Our Valued Sponsors and Supporters

American Legion Post 237, Pleasanton, CA

The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest veteran service organization, committed to mentoring and sponsorship of youth programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting a strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow service members and veterans.  


VFW Post 6298,  Pleasanton, CA

The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW) is a congressional chartered war veterans organization in the United States. VFW currently has 1.6 million members and is the largest American organization of combat veterans. Direct community involvement is a VFW priority, extending beyond the realm of veterans helping veterans.

Annually, VFW and Auxiliaries donate more than 13 million volunteer hours of community service. VFW members mentor youth groups, help in community food kitchens, volunteer in blood drives and visit hospitalized veterans. Others help veterans file compensation claims.

VFW's Community Service programs are designed to encourage community service and increase civic pride, which ultimately enhances education, improves the environment and ensures the availability of health services for our veterans.

VFW's Citizenship Education program is designed to stimulate interest in America's history and traditions and to promote citizenship, civic responsibility and patriotism. VFW's Youth Scholarship programs provide more than $3.5 million in scholarships to our nation's youth.

United States Navy Seabees, Camp Parks, Dublin CA

Camp Parrington is home to Detachment 1018 NMCB 18. The camp, consisting of a small building at the northwest corner of 5th Street and Fernandez Avenue, became home to the Bay Area Seabees after Naval Station Treasure Island closed. Although it may not be the newest unit to train at Camp Parks, Detachment 1018 NMCB 18 is certainly the most "historic." Camp Parrington, named after retired EOC Russ Parrington, is home to 94 Seabees Reservists.



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